We are very proud of our 20,000 square foot state-of-the-art facility located off Route 322 in the Namaan's Creek Business Park.
Our large lobby and 180 Degree viewing area allows you to be comfortable while you watch your gymnast enjoy their class.
Our CrossPoint Academy has all Olympic Events for our young gymnasts, along with a Foam Pit, Trampoline, Skill Stations and Obstacle Courses.
Our Recreational and Team Gym is filled with Men's and Women's Olympic Events including a Platform Foam and Resi Pit.
Our 40 foot Tumble Track and oversized floor are surrounded by Balance Beams, Uneven Bars and the Men's Events.
Our large, raised Platform holds our Tumble Strip, 2 Vaults, Foam Pit, Resi Pit and Trampoline.